Budget 2011- All I want for Christmas is a full tank of petrol….. from Drive.co.uk

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan HumphreyLeave a Comment

budget 2011: Chancellor George Osborne urged to give drivers a helping handToday is the second Coalition Budget , March 23, 2011 what will it bring for the motorist, my family is already facing a really bleak year and as the price of fuel and heating oil rockets skywards the chancellor is clearly under pressure to offer a sop to the motorist. I am fed up with filling up with a tenner here and there and having to watch the price of fuel at garages depending on which area I am in. Please someone tell me why it costs more in the Southampton area?

Come on George give us a break! Higher inflation today at 4.4% it is time to make the bankers pay more. This year my business isn’t seeing the extra percentage profits the bankers are now bringing in. My business as many are is crippled by their inadequate lending policy, I could easily make mine pay with the money you chucked in, give myself a bonus and huge pat on the back.

Let’s get this country motoring towards a better future and without penalising drivers, motorists, truckers, van drivers and motorcyclists. It is not the way to go. it has gone too far now. We have added an image with our feelings and it is available as a t-shirt – : ) just a small way of making a crust towards a full tank this year or maybe by, Christmas! CLICK HERE

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